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Thursday, September 22, 2005 

Twins Dream

I think I talked about my dreams once before in my 101 things about me post and I don't mean dreams about what i wanna do with my life, I mean the ones you have at night.

Every since I can remember, there have been certain consistencies in my dreams, if I dreamt of fish, someone I knew would be pregnant....Now please keep in mind, this has happened at least 20 times since I was 18....I've had friends who knew they were preggers, and when I told them about the dream, lied to me and said it wasn't them, and then later told me they were scared shitless cause they thought I knew it was them.

I don't claim to know the future, or to be psychic, I just dream of fish.

So far have had 100% success rate. And I'm also not talking about the lady down the street, or the cashier at the grocery store....No, these are friends, close friends.

Then there's the other dream.

The baby dream.

Simply put, if I dream of a baby, someone close to me dies. It's happened about 6 times in my life. Once when my sister was killed, once it was an ex boyfriend, once it was jessicas uncle...you get the picture. It's never a nightmare, its always just a regular dream.

It only turns into a nightmare, when I wake up.

I had the dream last night.

Only it was a little different.

It was two babies.

I was in an apartment, and my sister was sitting on the couch with these two little babies playing near her that were obviously hers, (they were a girl and a boy, and one was a bit taller than the other) I remember thinking how did she have two babies so close in age? (my thinking was they looked like they weren't the same age, but were close enough in age for it not to be possible to have two)..Then I heard voices and I walked to the back door and saw Joe talking to my brother (who's currently incarcerated, that's a whole other story), I hugged my brother and pretty much that's all I remember before I woke up.

This afternoon my sister calls me and I told her about the dream...Because she was at work, she told me she would call me back on her lunch hour. She called me back about a half hour later and said "you need to get checked out" I was like "huh?", she goes "I SAID, you need to get your brain examined girl".

Here's the deal; a few minutes after we got off the phone, she called her doctor. She had terminated a pregnancy last week (another story) but she needed to call and make a follow up appointment (I guess the baby dream reminded her) and they made the appointment, then the doctor said he needed to tell her something, and rambled about insurance and such. Then he told her, he had removed two fetuses.

She was having twins.

I suppose that's why they were so close in age in my dream...

I suppose you think I'm crazy....

I'm hoping this was just a dream about them and not something to come.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I looked over your photoblog too and you might be right, Your Jessica may very well be the most beautiful girl in the world. She has a lovely face and pretty eyes!
I loved the puppies...what breed are they? Dill is adorable. MY cats are all grown up now, Danni (a girl,long story) and Molly. Although Molly stayed quite tiny. She also has extra toes so she looks like she's wearing mittens.
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As to YOUR post..I have had precognitive dreams too. That and if I feel something really good is going to turn out from a situation it usually turns out just okay...but if I feel it is going to be bad...it is!
Luckily if something DOES turn out amazingly great..I am usually surprized. Did any of that make sense?

Whoa. That is very spooky, but not in a good way.


In other news, I answered your chile questions in my comments.

O_o wow...never noticed this post before. I used to wish I had psychic powers, but that is very phenomonal. From somes points of view: cool, others: scary. Either way, I find you fascinatingly amazing.


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