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Tuesday, September 20, 2005 

Michael Jackson and my nephew

My nephew, Khalid is having a love affair with Michael Jackson. No, not in the way you're thinking, my nephew has recently become one of MJ's biggest fans. I think it started about a year ago and he heard a song or two, then he watched the HIStory dvd at my house and that's all she wrote. He loves his music, his dancing, he likes to dance like him...he just adores MJ.

SO I did something the other day...my sister said that since he started kindergarten this year, he's been having it a little rough, because he's not used to sitting at a desk all day (I though you got to play in K, and not sit at a desk all day?) so he's been getting a few time outs. And he's struggling a little with the abc's and 123's....and he gets so frustrated, he'll throw the pen down and burst into tears and say "I just cant do it!"

So I called him yesterday, and at first he was a little reticent about speaking to me, cause he knew he had been in trouble and probably thought I was going to go off on him, but I just asked him how he was, and he cautiously answered "I awright", I told him I heard he was having touble in school, and he said he was, and I told him he had to concentrate and listen to the teacher...then he goes "well, auntie, i twying to be a man, but it hard" (ok, that bought tears to my eyes), and I told him he didnt have to be a man, that was for when he grew up, right now I just wanted him to be a big boy and listen to his teacher....then I did it....

I told him that I spoke to Michela Jackson.

I know it sounds bad, but Khalid and my other nephew, Tyquan, know that I am in the music business, over the years they have seen the celebs I have worked with, they have seen me on tv, they have seen the cd's and tapes, pictures, clothes ect that have flooded my home office...so it's not too out there to think, that I had actually spoke to Michael Jackson. After all, I had just given them autographed posters from one of the biggest names in the WWE. Michael Jackson...that was easy.

He was silent for a second...then the questions poured out, how?, why?, when?....but most importantly I explained to him that everyone had problems with there abc's and their 123's, even MJ...but that if we tried hard we could do anything...even become famous, but we had to try hard and work hard.

Hey...he agreed, and promised to do better...and I told him Mike would send him a autographed pic if he did better in school, which I may or may not be really able to get...if not, there's always ebay.

Am I going to hell?


(ps, I dont always bribe my kids (I consider all of my nieces and nephews "my kids") but in this case, with him just starting into a totally alien system and having to get acclimated to totally changing his ways, I felt something drastic, or "great" was in order)

No your not going to hell..lol

I luved reading this..It made me smile. Your a great auntie.

How about an update in a few weeks, how your nephew has "changed" in school.

I agree with heidi. You are not going to hell. You are creating heaven.

Thanks Heidi and George I needed to hear that, lol. Of course I will be leaving an update...gotta see how he does. I hope he does well, he's so smart, but it's easy to lose your confidence around something so new.


I used to play in kindergarten too. What are we doing to the children of today? His words "Well, Auntie, I twying to be a man, but it hard" lets us know just how much pressure this little boy is under.

You did a loving thing. It's not evil. So no worries there. He is lucky to have your love and concern. As are your kids!


You are a good aunt and a good person. It reminds me of some of the stories I have with my nieces and nephews! Great post and thanks for stopping by my spot!

Hope you'll let us know how he evolves in school. He looks so sweet. I think what you told him will have a positive impact.

Like Deborah said, that 'trying to me a man' thing is shocking. Who woulda thought this lil boy would be under so much pressure?!

It's funny but it reminds me that my brothers and all my male cousins used to be fans of MJ as kids. And all my little male cousins under 13 are fans of this man. lol

Hiya...of course you don't remember me, it was like half a year ago that you commented on my crazy blog...but I wanted to drop a line.

I actually enjoy a lot of what MJ does...just not what he's up too nowadays. Also, he was ridiculously attractive as a black guy. :)
And its not really a bribe,but if it helps them do better in the long run, no ones going to hell. :p


Oh you going to hell..right along with the Tooth Fairy, Santa, Boogie Man and Michael! LMAO...Just kidding. At least Michael is a real person, unlike everything else we lie to children about. There's no way to prove that you didn't speak to him, unless he get's those ABC's down and read your blog. I think your safe.

LOL! Right mizpowderpink! Unless he starts reading your blogs LOL! HE may be mad but at least he can read LOL! :) Okay, anyway... and MJ did a song about ABC, easy as 123, though he's talking about a girl LOL! :)

I read an article about a school that is for boys that teaches them differently from the 'sit down at a desk' and it discussed that boys are better at moving around and hands-on experiences in learning rather than at a desk all day. It also said that teachers stress too much on coloring within the lines and writing pretty which boys are not into. In the end I agreed and thought that school was pretty cool. Anyway... can't remember the name of the school :(

Dr. Deb, yes I love them to pieces, I should have had tons of kids, but it wasn't in the cards for me, I only had my one.

D-Dot, and thank you for stopping by too. :)

Joy, I think it's his dad (or should I say deadbeat dad)

Death - so true, i have to stop by your spot again. :)

Miz, too too funny...he has to find the blog first, i think i'm safe for a while. lol

2sons, you may be speaking about Montissori schools...they believe in that type of teaching, some of their kids may be behind for a while but supposedly they catch up at lighting speed.


I love kids too. Lucky enough to have one. Wished for more too.


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